A successful transponder calibration of Sentinel-3A Pass No.14 was carried out at the CDN1 Cal/Val site in west Crete, Greece.
Support the absolute altimeter calibration during the Operational Phase of the Sentinel-3A & -3B missions, including the Commissioning Phase of S-3B for the surface topography element, by maintaining and operating the CDN1 Sentinel-3 Altimeter Calibration Site in West Crete, Greece.
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Absolute calibration of satellite altimeters, during their lifetime, by external and independent facilities, is a prerequisite for a continuous, homogenous and reliable monitoring of the earth, its oceans and climate change.
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The CDN1 transponder Cal/Val site has been established on the mainland in west Crete under a triple cross-over of Sentinel-3A & 3B but also Jason series
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A successful transponder calibration of Sentinel-3A Pass No.14 was carried out at the CDN1 Cal/Val site in west Crete, Greece.